@techreport{SHAMFSNGNAAR25, address = {Zürich, Switzerland}, editor = {Stiller, Burkhard and Huertas, Alberto and Assen, Jan von der and Müller, Katharina O. E. and Feng, Chao and Schumm, Daria and Niu, Weijie and Grubl, Thomas and Nezhadsistani, Nasim and Abtahi, Ahmad and Abtahi, Reza and Rocha,, Anderson}, howpublished = {IFI-TecReport No. 2025.0001}, month = {jan}, publisher = {CSG, IFI, UZH}, title = {Internet Economics XVIII}, url = {https://files.ifi.uzh.ch/CSG/teaching/IntEcoReport/Internet\_Economics\_XVIII.pdf}, year = {2025} }