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Department of Informatics - Communication Systems Group

One of the IFI's best 2012 Ph.D. Thesis of Dr. Fabio Hecht submitted to the GI Ph.D. Thesis competition

The Doctoral Thesis of the CSG member Dr. Fabio Hecht entitled "LiveShift: A Time Shifted P2P Multimedia Streaming Approach" selected as one of the best Doctoral Thesis in 2012 by the Department of Informatics (Institut für Informatik/IfI). Thus, an extended abstract has been submitted to the German Computer Science Association (Gesellschaft für Informatik/GI) to compete for the best Ph.D. thesis of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in the area of Computer Science.

"GI awards this thesis prize every year since 1994 to absolutely outstanding works covering all kinds of topics in informatics like advances in technology, new applications or the interrelation with the general society." (source:
