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Department of Informatics - Communication Systems Group

CSG at ACM SAC 2020

CSG attended the 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing with two papers of "Design and Implementation of Cast-as-intended Verifiability for a Blockchain-based Voting System" by Christian Killer, Bruno Rodrigues, Raphael Matile, Eder Scheid, Burkhard Stiller, and "Toward Scalable Blockchains with Transaction Aggregation" by Sina Rafati Niya, Fabio Maddaloni, Thomas Bocek, and Burkhard Stiller.

The two papers from CSG were accepted in the Decentralized Applications with Blockchain, DLT and Crypto-Currencies (DAPP) track. Due to the measures taken confronting the extraordinary situations caused by the  COVID-19 pandemic, the SAC 20 with its 42 tracks held fully virtually, so did the papers' presentations, which all performed online via the pre-recorded presentations.

Research on distributed systems and mainly on blockchains have been presented in the two specific sessions under the Decentralized Applications with Blockchain, DLT and Crypto-Currencies DAPP and Dependable, Adaptive, and Secure Distributed Systems DADS tracks. Other tracks had a focus on IoT, software engineering, cloud computing, business models, Cyber-physical systems and other highly attractive topics being presented online, too.
