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Department of Informatics - Communication Systems Group

IFIP Networking 2018 in Zürich - Day 1

Day 1 of the IFIP Networking 2018 Conference in Zürich had been concluded successfully - and more than 85 people already picked up their registration badges and bags.

Embedded within the welcome words from the General Chair and the TPC Co-chairs, represented by Prof. Dr. Claudio Casetti, the Dean of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Informatics (WWF) of the University of Zürich, Prof. Dr. Harald Gall, addressed his welcome words to the audience, which embedded University of Zürich's positioning in education Zürich as well as the Faculty's role in combining economic principles with computer science at the Department of Informatics.

WWF's Dean Harald Gall Addressing the Audience
 WWF's Dean Harald Gall Addressing the Audience

The first keynote by Prof. Dr. Salil Kanhere on "Blockchain for Cyber Physical Systems" attracted a full house with more than 80 attendees already on board. Salil toured along IoT and Blockchain basics and combined them in a constructive approach on how to integrate the into research-wise challenging distributed systems. He concluded that by reaching a number of advantages, a set of critical challenges still remain for a practical, wide area deployment. With a wider range of questions, the IFIP Networking 2018 audience showed large interest on blockchains and their use.

Salil Kanhere during the Keynote I
Salil Kanhere during the Keynote I

The two parallel tracks A and B showed a range of deep talks, lively questions and answers parts, leading to continuing discussions during the breaks and the social event. On average more than 40 people at each session followed the presentations on "Security and Resilience", "Service Function Chaining", "Measurements and Analysis", and Congestion Control".

After a public transport experience for many attendees in such a larger group to the "Zunfthaus zur Waag" (an old Zürich Guild House) during the evening, the Best Paper Award of IFIP Networking 2018 had been assigned by the TPC Co-chairs to the paper entitled "Charting the Complexity Landscape of Virtual Network Embeddings" presented by Matthias Rost and co-athored by Stefan Schmid. Congratulations!

Best Paper
Matthias Rost Receives the IFIP Networking 2018 Best Paper Award 

As well, the IFIP Networking 2018 evening banquet's setting was used to grant the Student Travel Grant to Sanaz Taheri Boshrooyehon for the paper "PPAD: Privacy Preserving Group-Based ADvertising in Online Social Networks" co-authered by Alptekin Küpçü and Oznur Ozkasap. Congratulations!

Student Travel GrantSanaz Taheri Boshrooyehon with the Award of the IFIP Networking 2018 Student Travel Grant

These two awards have been made possible by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems (TC6), which supports IFIP networking now since 17 years since its first instance in Paris, France.

Finally, the IFIP Networking 2018 General Chair Burkhard Stiller, Communication Systems Group CSG , Department of Informatics IfI, University of Zürich UZH took the chance of this evening to thank the IFIP Networking 2018 Organizing Committee (OC) individually and as a whole.





IFIP Networking 2018 Organizing Committee

Note that the full IFIP Networking 2018 Program, the organizational data, and all relevant information are available on-line at the URL:
