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Department of Informatics - Communication Systems Group



There is a total of 11 exercise sheets for this course. Exercise sheets are released Thursday until 7 pm. An exercise sheet mostly addresses the content of that week's lecture. After the release, one week is available to complete the exercise and submit the solution. Submission is made via OLAT to the TAs,  until the following Wednesday by 23:59. The exercise sheet is discussed in the exercise session of the day after the submission deadline.

Exercise sheets are not mandatory to be handed in, however, all students can achieve a 10% exam point bonus, if and only if: 

  • Each individual submits all the exercise sheets
  • Every question is answered
  • Every answer has met a proper level of quality

Additionally, if requested during the exercise sessions, you must present your solution in person after that request.


The files provided below may only be downloaded from a subnetwork of the University of Zurich's network. Thus, please use a VPN client from the outside. Information on the VPN setup can be found here.

Exercise Hand-out Date Exercise Discussion Remarks
Exercise 1 (PDF, 217 KB) 20.2 27.2 Introduction and Number Systems Part I
Exercise 2 (PDF, 260 KB) 27.2 6.3 Number Systems Part II
Exercise 3 (PDF, 262 KB) 6.3 13.3 Combinatorial Circuits Part I
Exercise 4 (PDF, 306 KB) 13.3 20.3 Combinatorial Circuits Part II
Exercise 5 (PDF, 351 KB) 20.3 27.3 Delay Effects and Sequential Circuits Part I
Exercise 6 27.3 3.4 Sequential Circuits Part II: Flip Flops
Exercise 7 3.4 10.4 Sequential Circuits Part III: Examples and ALU
Exercise 8 10.4 17.4

Computer Engineering: von-Neumann Architecture,

Set-up and Operation, Organization

Exercise 9 17.4 8.5 Computer Engineering: Organization and Periphery

Further information:

- Discussions are on Thursdays

- Exercises are not mandatory, but relevant for the exam