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Department of Informatics - Communication Systems Group


The lab course takes place in room BIN 1.D.12. It is mandatory for each group to submit a text file with the answer of the questions.

to latest by 23:59 of the day of the exercises.

* Please, include in the title of the e-mail 'ComSys', the group and exercise, for example:

ComSys - Group NN - Exercise NN

The files provided below may only be downloaded from a subnetwork of the University of Zurich's network. Thus, please use a VPN client from the outside. Information on the VPN setup can be found here.

Exercise Date Remarks

Exercise 1 - Cabling, IP Setup, Wireshark (PDF, 903 KB)

Exercise 2 - LAN, Routing, NAT, DHCP (PDF, 193 KB) 24.09.2024  
Exercise 3 - NAT and Firewalling (PDF, 795 KB) 01.10.2024  
Exercise 4 - Domain Name System (PDF, 120 KB)  08.10.2024  

Exercise 5 - Honeypots and Network Analysis (PDF, 85 KB)

attack.log (PCAP, 975 KB)

Exercise 6 - Capture the Flag (PDF, 109 KB) 22.10.2024  
Exercise 7 - Container Networking (PDF, 392 KB) 29.10.2024  
Exercise 8 - Web Application Security (Blackbox Testing) (PDF, 392 KB) 5.11.2024  
Exercise 9 - Tunneling with WireGuard (PDF, 114 KB) 12.11.2024  
Exercise 10 - Debug Contest (PDF, 101 KB)


Exercise 11 - IoT Intrusion Detection (PDF, 452 KB) 26.11.2024  
Final Presentation - Slot 1 3.12.2024  
Recap Slot - Backup Final Presentation Slot 2 10.12.2024  

JVDA = Jan von der Assen

TG = Thomas Grübl

AH = Alberto Huertas