
Completed theses

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Design and Implementation of a Black-box Robustness Analysis Module for an DFL Platform
[MA] Completed by: Wenzhe Li


Design and Implementation of Open Source Secure Communications to and from an Agricultural Robot - AgRobot
[MA] Completed by: Davide Busolin
Design and Implementation of a Privacy Auditing Component for the Decentralized Federated Learning Framework
[IS] Completed by: Yuanzhe Gao
Mitigating Poisoning Attacks in Decentralized Federated Learning through Moving Target Defense
[MA] Completed by: Zi Ye
Design and Implement a Novel Topology Inference Attack on Decentralized Federated Learning
[MA] Completed by: Yuanzhe Gao
How Information Theory Can Help Identify Poisoned Models?
[MA] Completed by: Xiao Chen


Design and Implementation of Distributed DDoS Datasets
[MA] Completed by: Calvin Falter


SecBox: A Lightweight Malware Analysis Sandbox using Containers
[MP] Completed by: Raffael Mogicato, Adrian Zermin
Front-end Management - DDoS Clearing House
[BA] Completed by: Karim Khamaisi
Design and Implementation of a Selection Framework for Moving Target Defense
[BA] Completed by: Nicolas Huber
A Selection Framework for Cyber Risk Management
[BA] Completed by: Maximilian Huwyler


Traffic Counting in Static and Mobile Wireless Community Networking
[BA] Completed by: Philip Giryes
From Milk to the Chain: Design and Implementation of a Blockchain-based Cheese Tracking System
[BA] Completed by: David Diener, Matteo Gamba


Enabling Automatic VNF Deployment based on Smart Contract Events
[MP] Completed by: Fabian Kueffer, Pascal Kiechl, and Niels Kuebler
A Web-Based Interface for a Blockchain-based Cyber Insurance Approach
[BA] Completed by: Florian Imami
Opening Pandora's Box: An Analysis of the Usage of the Data Field in Blockchains
[BA] Completed by: Sebastian Kung
Evaluating BluePIL: A Bluetooth Passive Indoor Localization tool
[BA] Completed by: Alain Küng
Design and Implementation of a Decision Support System for Ransomware Protections
[BA] Completed by: Dario Akhavansafa
Design and Implementation of a DNS Sinkhole for Cyberattack Analysis
[BA] Completed by: Kyrill Hux


A High Performance Interface among Named Data Networks (NDNs)
[MA] Completed by: Timo Surbeck
UZH-ID - Automated Video Verification System
[BA] Completed by: Aline Schaufelberger
Indoor Tracking based on RFID Tags
[MA] Completed by: Yang Menz
Combining Tracking Data of Multiple Sources for Increased Precision
[MP] Completed by: Maximilian Tornow and Julius Willems
WIFI-based Crowd Safety System
[MA] Completed by: Nicolas Spielmann


A Blockchain-based Reputation System for Cybersecurity Providers
[BA] Completed by: Amadeo Charle
Automated Cyber Insurance Contracts
[MA] Completed by: Noah Berni
MAC Address randomization
[BA] Completed by: Fabian Kuenzler
Wi-Fi Multilateration - Passive Tracking of Wireless Devices
[BA] Completed by: Lukas Mueller
Toward a Live BBU Container Migration in Wireless Networks
[MA] Completed by: Silas Weber


Design and Prototypical Development of a GDPR and Swiss Law Compliant Blockchain
[BA] Completed by: Julius Willems
A Visual Tool for the Analysis of Cybersecurity Investments
[BA] Completed by: Can Ian
Employing Machine Learning for Blockchain Selection
[MA] Completed by: Ratanak Hy
Design and Implementation of a Blockchain Intent Management System
[BA] Completed by: Sandro Padovan
Standardization and Extension of a Blockchain Interoperability API
[BA] Completed by: Pascal Kiechl


Design and Implementation of a Distributed Denial-of-Service Data Simulator
[BA] Completed by: Reto Odoni
Evaluation and Comparison of Swiss Voting Advice Applications
[BA] Completed by: Roberto Baumann
Verifiability Extensions and Improvements of Blockchain-based E-Voting
[MA] Completed by: CSM
Design and Implementation of a Decentralized E-Identity Management
[MA] Completed by: Lucas Thorbecke (MA)
Cloudified LoRa Networks
[MA] Completed by: Silas Weber
Intent-Aware Chatbot for the Refinement of Protection Recommender System
[MA] Completed by: Juan Sebastian Sanchez
A Tool for Visualization and Analysis of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks
[MP] Completed by: Jan von der Assen, Luc Boillat
Security Analysis in the Blockchain Agnostic Framework Prototype
[IS] Completed by: Alexander Hofmann
Bazo Blockchain for indoor IoT systems with IEEE 802.15.4
[IS] Completed by: Elfat Essati


Blockchain-based Trusted VNF Package Repository
[MA] Completed by: Manuel Keller
Design and Implementation of a Visual Tool for SFC (Service Function Chaining) Construction and Blockchain-based Validation
[BA] Completed by: Martin Bucher
Analysis of Unwanted Advertising Traffic: An Economic and User Experience Perspective
[BA] Completed by: Lawand Muhamad
Design and Implementation of an Energy Efficient LoRa Network
[MA] Completed by: David Steiger
Scalability Improvements of a Blockchain Design for IoT Data Streams
[BA] Completed by: Raphael Beckmann
A Service Recommender System for Protection from Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks
[BA] Completed by: Erion Sula


Distributed and Decentralised Proof of Ownership with Blockchains
[BA] Completed by: Arik Gabay
Design and Implementation of a Know Your Costumer (KYC) Platform for Blockchains-Integrated Application
[BA] Completed by: Sebastian Alleman
Secure and automated data collection with LoRa - A blockchain integrated Project
[MA] Completed by: kürsat Aydinli (MA), Fabio Maddaloni (BA), Timo Su
Bitcoin Blockchain Data Processing Using the Apache Hadoop Framework
[BA] Completed by: Dominik Sommer


Value-Network-Analysis for IoT Platforms
[MA] Completed by: Yves Steiner
Security Improvement for Object Tracking in IoT
[MA] Completed by: Stefanie Ziltener


Automated pollution monitoring using IoT and smart contracts
[MA] Completed by: Sanjiv Jha.
Cooperative Signaling of DDoS Attacks based on Blockchains
[MA] Completed by: Andreas Gruhler
Design and Implementation of a Module Framework for Sensor Data Management
[BA] Completed by: Christian Ott
Handling of Privilege Requests in WebMaDa
[BA] Completed by: Dominik Bünzli
Performance Analysis of Blockchain Off-chain Data Storage Tools
[BA] Completed by: Lukas Eisenring


Easy Traffic Generator (ETG) — An Intuitive Traffic Generator to Facilitate Network Debugging
[BA] Completed by: Benz Schenk
Design and Implementation of a Smart Contract Application
[MA] Completed by: Florian Schuepfer
Development of a Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm as a Software-Defined Networking application
[SA] Completed by: Antonio Gallucio
Secure Position Data Transmission for Object Tracking using LoRaWAN
[MA] Completed by: Matthias Diez
CoMaDa Extension Addressing Transparency Request for Data Owners
[VA] Completed by: Michael Balmer
WebMaDa Extension Addressing Transparency Request for Data Owners
[VA] Completed by: Neva Silvestri
Classification and Analysis of Security Protocols and Algorithms for Constrained Networks
[VA] Completed by: Niko van Wyk


Modeling and Simulating a Green Traffic Engineering tool applied to an SDN environment
[SA] Completed by: Alexander Hofmann
TinyIPFIX Aggregation in Contiki
[SA] Completed by: Livio Sgier
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Object Tracking Motion Detection System
[MA] Completed by: Jan Meier


Social Network Analysis of the BitTorrent Network
[BA] Completed by: Romana Pernischova
Securing Goods Distribution with Smart Contracts and Sensors
[BA] Completed by: Tim Strasser, Andreas Knecht
Database Solution for Sensor Data with Authorized Data Access Solution
[VA] Completed by: Christian Ott
Analysis of BitTorrent Data
[BA] Completed by: Robin Stohler
Modular ADCP Parser
[SA] Completed by: Christian Ott
Optimization of TinyIPFIX Implementation in Contiki and Realtime Visualization of Data
[SA] Completed by: Livio Sgier


Social Network Analysis (SNA) for BigData
[VA] Completed by: Robin Stohler
Development and Evaluation of an OpenStack Extension to Enforce Cloud-wide Multi-resource Fairness during VM Runtime
[BA] Completed by: Stephan Mannhart
Offline Method for Graphical Visualization of Sensor Data
[VA] Completed by: Tim Strasser
Reliable Beacon Detection
[MA] Completed by: Robin Engbersen


Enable Locality in BitTorrent like Networks
[MA] Completed by: Daniel Meier
Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks using IPFIX under Contiki
[BA] Completed by: Michael Meister
Integration of Contiki Support in CoMaDa-GUI
[VA] Completed by: Sebastian Pinegger
Effects of Legal and Regulative Constraints on Cloud and its Federated Environment
[BA] Completed by: Sacha Uhlmann
Secure Pull Request Development for TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Network
[MA] Completed by: Claudio Anliker
Feasibility of Decentralized Bitcoin Exchanges
[MA] Completed by: Alexander Mülli
The Impact of Real-time Information Sources on Crowd-sourced Parking Availability Prediction
[MA] Completed by: Livio Hobi
A public parking management system for Zurich
[MA] Completed by: Fabian Hofstetter
Parking prediction techniques in an IoT environment
[MA] Completed by: Samuel Liniger
Security challenges in contactless payments solutions
[VA] Completed by: Christian Killer
Implementation of Prototype for TrAdeCIS
[BA] Completed by: Marc Heimgartner
Recommending Ideal Location for Business based on Yelp Dataset
[SA] Completed by: Michael Susplugas
CoinBlesk, a Mobile NFC Bitcoin Payment System
[BA] Completed by: Raphael Voellmy


Mobile DHTs
[MA] Completed by: Nico Rutishauser
Quality-of-Experience (QoE) Estimation through Mobile Measurements
[MA] Completed by: Tomas Ludrovan
QoE Measurement Setup
[BA] Completed by: Manuel Roesch
Guideline for Mapping Security Solutions of Wireless Sensor Networks to Security Fundamentals
[VA] Completed by: Stefan Mussato
Do todays telecommunication capabilities enable more efficient economic models?
[VA] Completed by: Gionata Genazzi
Development of KVM API to regulate virtual machine resource access
[BA] Completed by: Andreas Gruhler


Non-deterministic Voice-traffic Management through Auctions
[MA] Completed by: Robert Erdin
High-level Implementation and Evaluation of Cloud Resource Allocation Mechanism
[MP] Completed by: Louis Marie-Loe, Emmanuel Twumasi Appiah-Bonna
Parking Monitoring and Management Solution (PMMS)
[MP] Completed by: Livio Hobi, Fabian Hofstetter, Samuel Liniger
Optimization of Two-way Authentication Protocol in Internet of Things
[MA] Completed by: Martin Noack
Design and Development of a Mobile App to Monitor Active Wireless Sensor Networks under Authorized Access Rules
[MA] Completed by: Michael Keller
Transparent Caching of YouTube videos
[VA] Completed by: Felix Kieber
Reverse Connection Setup in TomP2P for NAT Traversal
[VA] Completed by: Jonas Wagner
WebRTC-based Lecture Support
[MA] Completed by: Till Salinger
Consistency in Distributed Systems
[MA] Completed by: Sebastian Golaszewski
Overview of quantum computing for computer scientists
[VA] Completed by: Leon Sanders
Protocol Design and Implementation for a Fast and Reliable Mobile Bitcoin Payment System (MBPS) with two-way NFC
[MA] Completed by: Jeton Memeti
Improving the Mobile Bitcoin Payment System (MBPS)
[MA] Completed by: Simon Kaeser
Mobile Bitcoin Payment System (MBPS) Federation
[MA] Completed by: Mehmet Ali Bekooglu
Web Interface for BitTorrent Measurement Study
[BA] Completed by: Sebastian Schrepfer
Simulation of Cloud Resource Allocation
[BA] Completed by: Patrick Taddei


Replication and Synchronization in P2P networks
[MA] Completed by: Maxat Pernebayev
Feasibility and Performance of RDBMS on top of DHTs
[MA] Completed by: Francesco Luminati
Micro Transport Protocol (uTP) in Java
[BA] Completed by: Ivan Iljkic
Hive2Hive / TomP2P
[MP] Completed by: Sebastian Golaszewski, Christian Lüthold, Nico Rut
Security evaluation of the Accounting and Monitoring for AAI Services (AMAAIS) platform with the use of ethical hacking instruments
[VA] Completed by: Samuel Liniger
Implementation of a publication system
[VA] Completed by: Michel Hunziker
Design and Implementation of a Web-based Portal and its Backend Functionality for the IFI Reimbursement Process
[VA] Completed by: Shreya Kumar
NAT traversal in P2P systems using relays
[VA] Completed by: Raphael Voellmy
Implementation of an automatic, on-demand Mobile Network Operator (MNO) selection mechanism on Android devices
[BA] Completed by: Samuel Liniger
Bitcoin in practice
[MP] Completed by: Jeton Memeti, Mehmet Bekooglu, and Simon Kaeser
Distributed Auction System
[BA] Completed by: Simon Ruesch
Online Questionnaires Tool Implementation
[VA] Completed by: Ronnie Schaniel
Exhaustive Assembly of Framework Requirements Necessary to Practically Deploy the Greediness Alignment Algorithm (GAA)
[MA] Completed by: Beat Kuster
Online Social Network Capabilities for a Platform-Independent Cloud Storage System for Multi-Usage
[MA] Completed by: Alexander Filitz
Logstract: A Decision Support Tool to Extract and Correlate Events from Application-based Log Files
[BA] Completed by: Vito Tauriello


Implementation and Extension of a Webclient to Access a CalDav Server
[VA] Completed by: Ivan Iljkic
P2P in the Browser Using HTML 5 and WebRTC
[VA] Completed by: Thomas Finkbeiner
NFC tag-supported inventory system
[VA] Completed by: Manuel Roesch
B-Tracker CDN: Designing a P2P CDN
[BA] Completed by: Claudio Anliker
Scraping BitTorrent Trackers
[BA] Completed by: Gian Marco Jutz
Development of a QoS Measurement Application for Android
[BA] Completed by: Thomas Finkbeiner


Implementation of a Single Funding Point Charging Mechanism
[BA] Completed by: Cyrill Pedol
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Menu Management System for Restaurants
[MP] Completed by: K. Sundararajan, M. Pernebayev, T. Singh
Design and Implementation of TraceMan Networking, Analyzer, and Visualization Capabilities
[BA] Completed by: Michael Enz
Design and Implementation of a Peer-to-Peer based System to enable the Share Functionality in a Platform-independent Cloud Storage Overlay
[MA] Completed by: Michael Ammann


An investigation of tools and techniques to measure/identify end-to-end bandwidth bottlenecks in the Internet
[VA] Completed by: Jan Meier
Investigation of the Socio-economic and Legal Characteristics of High-speed Accounting
[VA] Completed by: Beat Kuster
Empirics-oriented Behavior-over-time Model Building for a Simulated Long-term Transition towards a Harmonized Private International Law for E-business
[MA] Completed by: Radhika Garg
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Mobile Security Software
[MP] Completed by: Alessandro Peduzzi and Daniel Reber


Client-, Server-, and Model-driven Extensions of a Decision Support System for International Service Contracting
[MP] Completed by: R. Ballazhi, R. Garg, S. Hänni, S. Rasathurai
A Decision Support Tool for Analyzing Scheduling Strategies on Large-Scale Computing Infrastructures
[VA] Completed by: Priscila Rey
Development and Implementation of B-Tracker on a BitTorrent Client
[MA] Completed by: Andri Lareida
Data Transfer Using a Camera and a Three-Dimensional Code
[BA] Completed by: Jeton Memeti
Design and Implementation of a Webclient to Access a CalDav Server
[VA] Completed by: Thomas Hunziker
CoopSC: Handling Updates Distributedly
[MP] Completed by: Stefan Hutter


JDBC/ODBC Drivers for CoopSC
[VA] Completed by: Manuel Frick
Preparing LiveShift for Public Trial
[VA] Completed by: Roman Studer
Game Theoretical Study of LiveShift Using Congestion Games
[MA] Completed by: Simon Poltier
Securely Measuring Peer Contribution in LiveShift
[BA] Completed by: Andreas Volkart
GeoPoll – Data Collection with Mobile Devices
[VA] Completed by: Daniel Hegglin


RDF-based IT Configuration Management Database
[BA] Completed by: Daniel Meier
Investigation and Evaluation of Upload and Download Allocation Strategies for P2P Video Streaming
[BA] Completed by: Michael Ammann
Development of a Notification Mechanism for SciMantic's Knowledge Sharing System
[BA] Completed by: Agron Limani
Mobile Healthcare on Android Devices
[BA] Completed by: Sacha Gilgen
LIFPEAR: Light-weight Flexible Protocol to Exchange Accounting Records
[BA] Completed by: Alexander Filitz


IP Traffic Modeling
[VA] Completed by: Igor Bozic
Investigation of Playback Policies for P2P Live and On-Demand Video Streaming
[VA] Completed by: Mengia Zollinger
Implementation of an Accounting Database and a Data Visualization Prototype for a Shibboleth-based AAI System
[VA] Completed by: Daniel Meier
Knowledge Management and Sharing in the Framework of Project SciMantic
[BA] Completed by: Daniel Spicar
Design and Implementation of a Public-Key Infrastructure for the LiveShift Application
[VA] Completed by: Andreas Volkart
Implementation of a Tag Recommendation Service for a Knowledge Sharing System
[VA] Completed by: Agron Limani


JBioDC driver for a face scanner
[BA] Completed by: Rilind Balazi
A multiplayer P2P game for Android
[MP] Completed by: Sergio Marsella, Sebastian Müller, Stefan Holm
Investigation and Evaluation of Distributed Storage Strategies for Video Streaming Application
[BA] Completed by: Alexander Schäfer
Managing Single and Multiple Publishers in a P2P Electronic Program Guide
[BA] Completed by: Roger Peyer
Implementation of an Algorithm for a stable RDF Graph Serialization
[VA] Completed by: Daniel Spicar
A multiplayer P2P game for Android
[BA] Completed by: Tobias Moser
Investigation of Economical and Practical Aspects of Commercial Cloud Computing for Life Sciences
[DA] Completed by: Alexander Markovic
Design and Implementation of a Prototype for Semi-automated Determination of Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
[DA] Completed by: Kevin Massie
Market Activities Constituting Jurisdiction or Applicable Law in Electronic Service Contracts with International Connection
[BA] Completed by: Alessandra Macri


Electronic Program Guide (EPG) for LiveShift Application
[VA] Completed by: Roger Peyer
Implementation of PSH Reputation Mechanism in LiveShift Application
[MA] Completed by: Kevin Leopold
Conceptual Design and Development of a Management Platform for Biometric Data using GWT
[BA] Completed by: Florian Hegner
Service Quality Measurement in IP Networks
[DA] Completed by: Daniel Dönni
Survey of Network Traffic Monitoring Tools
[VA] Completed by: Tobias Moser
Design and Implementation of a Light Mobile Video Streaming Application for Google Android
[BA] Completed by: Lukas Keller
Implementation of Scalable Video Coding on LiveShift Application
[VA] Completed by: Alexander Schäfer
VoIP on Android Mobile Device
[VA] Completed by: Sacha Gilgen


Implementation of Mobile P2PFastSS on the Android Platform
[VA] Completed by: Lukas Keller


Investigation and Documentation of Economic Network Management Approaches for Overlay Networks and Systems
[DA] Completed by: Franziska Wirz
Design and Implementation of an Economically-driven Network Management Mechanisms for Overlay Networks
[DA] Completed by: Martin Hochstrasser
Marketing für Startup-Unternehmen
[MA] Completed by: Adrian Kobler
Marketing für Startup-Unternehmen
[SA] Completed by: Adrian Kobler
Darstellung, Interpretation und Validierung von Datentypen unter Berücksichtigung der Locale
[DA] Completed by: Severin Dietschi
Distributed Voice-over-IP-Management
[VA] Completed by: Stefan Huber
Design and Setup of a Distributed Storage Repository for NetFlow Records
[MA] Completed by: Nicolas Baumgardt
Design and Setup of a Distributed Storage Repository for NetFlow Records
[SA] Completed by: Nicolas Baumgardt
Einheitliche Kommunikation mit neuen Medien
[DA] Completed by: Roman Wieser
DRFS: Distributed Reliable File System based on TomP2P
[BA] Completed by: Dalibor Peric


Mechanisms for Mapping End Systems in the Internet to Geographic Location Information
[DA] Completed by: Stefan Bösch
Internet Route Stability and Mechanisms for Guaranteed Paths between End Systems in the Internet
[DA] Completed by: Andreas Siegrist
Flow based and packet level based Intrusion Detection as complementary concepts
[DA] Completed by: Fabian Hensel
Peer-to-Peer-based Multi-Path Large File Transfer
[DA] Completed by: Lukas Isliker
Distributed Storage Strategies for IP Traffic Traces
[DA] Completed by: Thierry Kramis
Live P2P Video Streaming Framework
[BA] Completed by: Stefan Zehnder
Distributed Peer-to-peer FastSS Indexing
[VA] Completed by: Dalibor Peric
Call Pattern Anomaly Detection in Voice over IP Systems
[DA] Completed by: Mark Furrer


Design and Implementation of a Grid-Service Gateway for an A4C Client
[MA] Completed by: Tobias Bannwart
Design and Implementation of a Grid-Service Gateway for an A4C Client
[SA] Completed by: Tobias Bannwart
Evaluation of an Accounting Model for Grid Infrastructures
[DA] Completed by: Christophe Suter
JBioDC-Treiber für einen Venenscanner
[DA] Completed by: Stefan Weibel
Wuala Monitoringsystem - Erfassen, Speichern und Darstellen von relevanten Ereignissen in einem grossen verteilten Speichersysstem
[DA] Completed by: Gregor Berther
Design and Prototypically Implementation of a P2P Storage for IP Netflow Records
[BA] Completed by: Nicolas Baumgardt
Decentralized Voting for Document Storage in a Peer-to-Peer Collaboration System
[BA] Completed by: Kevin Leopold
Sea Cage Gateway - Financial Analysis of Mobile Grid Support in Norway’s Aquaculture
[DA] Completed by: Martina Vazquez


Sicherheit für BioLANCC Design und Implementierung
[DA] Completed by: Veronica Garcia
BioLANCC Usability and GUI Design
[DA] Completed by: Lukas Eberli
BioLANCC Interface Design
[DA] Completed by: Maik Lustenberger
A J2EE Framework for Managing Biometric Data based on BioLANCC
[DA] Completed by: Michael Roth
Relaunch of the Internet Portal of the Swiss National Bank - Adoption of Content Reuse and Automation of Content Publishing
[DA] Completed by: Severin Hörnlimann
Design and Implementation of an Auditing Mechanism for Mobile Grids
[DA] Completed by: Manuel Ziltener
Securing the MQTT Publish-Subscribe Protocol
[DA] Completed by: Andreas Wirth
Investigation of QoS Support of Wireless MAC Protocols
[DA] Completed by: Alexander Müller
Sea Cage Gateway - Fish Farming Supported by Mobile Grids
[DA] Completed by: Michel Hagnauer
Sea Cage Gateway - Optimal Mobile Grid Support in Aquaculture
[DA] Completed by: Markus Sonderegger
Metering of Network Usage in a Multi-User Environment
[DA] Completed by: Manuel Feier


Design and Prototypical Implementation of an Accounting System for an AAA Server
[MA] Completed by: Adrian Bachmann
Design and Prototypical Implementation of an Accounting System for an AAA Server
[SA] Completed by: Adrian Bachmann
Impact of Mobile Dynamic Virtual Organizations on AAA-supported Adaptive Workflows
[MA] Completed by: Marcus Deluigi
Impact of Mobile Dynamic Virtual Organizations on AAA-supported Adaptive Workflows
[SA] Completed by: Marcus Deluigi
Design and Prototypical Implementation of a Non-Repudiation System for Mobile Grid Services
[DA] Completed by: Reto Zimmermann
Integration of Security Engineering Principles into the Software Lifecycle Management
[DA] Completed by: Nicole Farner